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My 3 Year Old Can Swim!

 I cannot tell you how much joy, relief and pride it brings me to have a 3 year old who cannot only swim, but LOVES being in the water.


quotesMy son started your program last July as a Guppy in the 2 week session. He is very cautious of new people and new situations, but after the first 2 days he went to his coach without hesitation and was talking about how much he liked it and how excited he was to continue learning. We continued 2x/week after that until this month. We are going to hopefully be able to keep coming 1x/week but with preschool starting and COVID we are trying to scale back for the time being.

I want to sing the praises of your program, but specifically the instructors we have experience with. Kylar has been with Mr. Matt almost from the beginning and with Ms. Paola since Ms. Brit left. Mr. Matt has been such a kind and consistent presence for Kylar. He has been supportive and patient, yet he has high expectations and pushes hard. He has a way of helping kids rise to meet and exceed his expectations. He is an incredible teacher and we value Kylar learning from him.

Kylar was with Ms. Brit from day 1 of weekly sessions and while we miss her and cannot sing her praises enough (she was another one who pushed Kylar out of his comfort zone, all while making his feel safe and having fun), but Ms. Paola has truly been a gift. She always greets with a smile and a big hug (he is not a hugger and very introverted) and built a connection with Kylar right away. He has so much fun and works so hard with her. He has always felt at ease with her.

Both Ms. Paola and Mr. Matt's kind and supportive natures, while fine tuning every skill has turned him into a true swimmer. They have also helped him come out of his shell and build social confidence as well. We entered these classes so that our little boy would be safe in the water. When summer started, the only pool we had been in since the start of swim lessons was at HSC. I was unsure, worried to let him go without water wings. From minute one in the swimming pool this summer he has shown incredible confidence and skill, not hesitating as all swimming without any kid of aid. He can swim across the pool, take breaks as needed by turning to float, dive for sharks, go down big slides, and more. He is not only safe in the water, he is a swimmer!

I could not have imagined this a year ago. I cannot tell you how much joy, relief and pride it brings me to have a 3 year old who cannot only swim, but LOVES being in the water.

Thank you so much for all you have done. I look forward to seeing how he grows in the water over the next year and to start his baby brother soon.

-N, Proud HSC Mom

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Sep 17, 2021


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